A Quick Update
almost 7 years ago
– Fri, May 25, 2018 at 01:47:04 AM
Dear Backers -
With the apparent failure of the equity crowdfunding campaign, we have taken a step back to regroup and consider a number of options. Some paths forward have been presented to us. We need a few weeks to find the best path forward. As soon as we find that best path forward, you all will be the first to know.
Shon Bury
Evil Dead Update 4.24.18
almost 7 years ago
– Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 01:52:13 AM
Greetings Soul Suckers!
I come to you today with another update. I know we’re all probably still reeling from the news of the Ash vs. The Evil Dead cancellation...and Bruce’s subsequent retirement from the character, but the world of Evil Dead is going to live forever in a variety of ways...and I’m proud to be a part of one of them with this board game.
Today I have the completed back of the box for you to take a peek at. Sure, that may sound like a small cog in the overall wheel...but this is a big step in getting this game out the door. The size, shape and overall weight of the box are essential aspects of prepping fulfillment, and I’m glad to see that has been finalized for this edition of the game...and it’s not too shabby looking if I do say so myself.
Also, for those of you eagle-eyed screwheads that like taking a look at the rule book -- here is the (hopefully) final version for you to peruse. If you find anything out of sorts in it, leave a message in the comments and we’ll get it taken care of.
I’m going to keep this one short--but cross your fingers--I’m hoping to have a cool surprise for all of you before the end of the month.
Until next time -- Stay Groovy!
Evil Dead 2 Update for 3.30.18
almost 7 years ago
– Sat, Mar 31, 2018 at 02:16:24 AM
Greetings, Soul Suckers!
This week things have been firing on all cylinders here at the Space Goat Cabin, and we’ve been able to make some great progress in a variety of areas.
First, THE BOX!
As I’ve mentioned a few times previously, there were some problems with the box when I initially signed on to help with ED2. The entire team here at Space Goat has gone over those box issues with a fine tooth comb this week and we’ve been able to redesign the box shape and size to better suit the components, and to ensure that it fits comfortably on the shelves of those of you who are avid board game collectors.
The updated graphics for the box are underway, and we should have something for all of you to take a look at soon. From what I’ve seen so far, I think we’re going to have an even more eye-catching box than we had previously--and I’m excited to see the final product!
Now, speaking of final product...
It’s important to ensure that this final product is the best damn game it can be (and I know you hear that a lot -- the reason you hear that so much is because it’s TRUE and Shon won’t let us do anything short of making it the best it can be). With that in mind this week I was taking a closer look at our Ash character cards, and it felt like we needed to do a little tweaking there. The original description read a little confusing to me, and I noticed that on our original Combat Ash card, the Deadite version didn’t really seem to hold over the same “combat” feel of the human side of the card.
After a brief call with the team, our graphics guru Jacob was able to update the character cards to make things a little more clear--and to make Deadite Combat Ash (what a mouth full) just a little more badass!
Take a look!
That’s it for this update!
Until next time -- stay groovy!