
Evil Dead 2: The Official Board Game

Created by Space Goat Productions, Inc.

Evil Dead 2: The Official Board Game is a tile and miniature based survival horror game for 2-6 Players based on the classic movie.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Paint it Red: Color Figures are in!
almost 8 years ago – Tue, May 02, 2017 at 01:22:28 AM

Hey Soul Suckers!

This update is all about figures and, let me tell you, it won't be a miniature one.



These are our painting guides for the figures. They call out the Pantone colors for each figure and where they go on the figure. Painted figures are pretty complex; some manufacturers won't even provide them. Zibo, the plastics partner to BoDa, has tons of experience producing high quality figures for companies and games like CMON's Kaosboall and Arcadia Quest and for FFG's Gears of War, Descent 2nd Ed., Imperial Assault, and X-Wing, so we're confident we're in good hands with this game.



You'll notice each figure has four colors—except Combat Ash and Gooseneck Henrietta, who have 6. We found this was the optimum number to ensure the figures are identifiable and sufficiently cool, while not being prohibitively complex to make. Each color included multiplies the painting "processes," the number of times the assembly lines apply paint to each figure, which the cost and development time is based on.



Because of the limited color palettes, our artists got creative with how the colors are used. For example, Evil Ed up there has selected a sunny shirt that really matches his eyes—and his horrible teeth. He's paired this top with some fashionable mustard pants that bring out the, well, same Pantone color in his hair. To complete the outfit, his eye-catching red kicks won't take him home to canvas, but they match the same loud red of his mouth.



If you decide you'd like to paint your own figures instead of getting pre-painted figures, we won't be able to refund the extra $5 at this time, but we can either include extra bonus dice instead or provide a discount for Hit us up through Kickstarter messages and we'll take care of it for you.



We've been widening our pre-order reach for Evil Dead 2! If you know folks who missed out, let them know they can now get the core game on IndieGoGo. While everything is paid for on Evil Dead 2, pre-orders help us boost how many games we make in our first print, which in turn lets us get this game out to more stores and doors. If you have a local board game shop you think would like to stock the game, let them know they can grab their copies on the cheap through pre-order and skip the standard distribution hassle.



In case you've seen it around, our very own Ash was featured in the Horror subscription box by Nerd Block as a promotional item! The Horror Block is curated by a great team and we're really happy to be able to work with them to spread some Evil Dead love to more horror fans.

And that's our update for today! Thank you so much to our backers for making all this possible. In fact, lets have some of our backers play us out:





Stay groovy out there.

Team Space Goat

Laser Engraved Dice!
almost 8 years ago – Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 10:57:15 PM

Hey Soul Suckers!

Sorry for the delay on the update, things have been a bit crazy in Goat HQ. (Physical inventory can take quite a while.)

We went through all of the final updates and comments one last time to make sure there wasn't anything we missed or overlooked. And we wanted to  bring up some stuff that got brought up once, changed, etc.

  • Someone brought up that they wanted an Evil Dead 2 soundtrack to play with the game. While we can't make that happen, Waxworks Records is doing a new pressing of the soundtrack on vinyl this year, so keep an eye out for that!
  • The Revenge of Hitler Mini-Expansion will be coming with 13 cards and not 1 as it says on the front page. He has a separate scenario as well as card that summons him in normal gameplay.
  • Revenge of Hitler, The Classic's Last Ride, and Mirror Ash will all be coming in blister packs so the figures won't be damaged when they ship. They will all be able to fit in the deluxe box (if you take them out of the blister pack).
  • All of the miniatures will be at the Hero scale of 32mm. We decided to go with this height to make them easier for the painters at the factory as well as everyone painting at home.

We have gotten the dice from Mike at EvilDeadWorkshed and now it's at the Laser Engraver! We have some images to show you the process.

Here's a video from a while ago with Mike showing how he made the dice. He's been just working on them bit by bit for a while now:


Bay Engravers, the great folks helping to make these dice happen!
Bay Engravers, the great folks helping to make these dice happen!


Cursed Wood Cubes (Before they're dice)
Cursed Wood Cubes (Before they're dice)


The above video shows one row of dice getting laser engraved!

Here's a group of 100 finished Ash faces!
Here's a group of 100 finished Ash faces!


You can almost hear them laughing...
You can almost hear them laughing...

Production Updates:

  • We're just talking with the licencor and the factory to get things finalized (packaging, boxes, etc.). Assets are being sent over in batches and we get exact numbers/timetables we will let backers know!

Carter (Our stretch goal intern!) also whipped up this gif based off of the Ex-Mortis box art. Use it for whatever you feel like!

 We also wanted to give you backers all the heads up that we will be bringing Evil Dead 2: The Official Board Game to Indiegogo's InDemand program soon for pre-orders. We will only be offering the standard board game, the Beyond Dead by Dawn Graphic Novel, and the upcoming Evil Dead 2 coloring book. The Kickstarter exclusive Deluxe Edition and the Kickstarter exclusive figures in that Edition will not be offered. We just wanted to give you all the heads-up before you saw it pop up over there and let you know that none of the Kickstarter exclusive stuff would be offered.

We're hard at work on logistics for getting this bad boy off to the printer. But if you have any questions, feel free to message us through Kickstarter or email us at [email protected].

Stay Groovy,

Team Space Goat

Digital Comics!
almost 8 years ago – Sun, Apr 02, 2017 at 01:03:22 AM

Hello Everyone,

No April Fools shenanigan from us! (The rest of the internet should have you covered.) Just a quick non-nonsense update this time, as not a ton new has happened in the last 15 days.

  • We have just uploaded digital comics to Backerkit! If you backed at a digital comic level, you should have an email with a link to a pdf!
  • We've gotten back the last set of notes from Licensor about Ash's lovely mug. Our artists are making sure he's looking his best and once we get the final thumbs up, it's off to the printer.
  • We are putting together some cool notes/bonus features for the deluxe rule and art book. We think it's going to be a pretty cool look behind the scenes of the board game.
  • All backers have been accounted for in Evil Dead 2: Revenge of Evil Ed 1 and 2! Books will be shipping out from Space Goat separate from games once addresses are finalized.
  • Signed Evil Ed cards will also be shipping out separately from games once addresses are finalized.
  • We're looking at new ways to make the standard game and non-KS exclusive add-ons available to late backers. News on that may be available in the next few days, and we'll let you all know first!

Stay Groovy,

Team Space Goat

The Good, The Bad and the Applehead!
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 01:19:39 AM

Hey Soul Suckers!  

We have Good News, Bad News, and Applehead.  

Good News: We are currently sending the game chunk by chunk to BoDa, and they've started initial production!

Bad News: Due to a number of factors, games will be shipping out to backers in late May/Early June.

Current Timetable:

Now - at the latest April 4th: We send the game chunk by chunk to BoDa for proofing and manufacturing after final licencor approval. (Typically with licensed games and comics, things have to get approved by the licencor multiple times.) Every part of the game with Ash has to approved by Bruce himself. So it may take as long as April 4th, but approvals have gone faster so *fingers crossed* 

Manufacturing: BoDa says production will take 6-8 weeks if they got all of the files on April 4th. But since we're getting them a lot of the files before that point, it will likely take less time. During this period we will be looking at proofs, ensuring quality control, as well as sharing pictures with you all of the game manufacturing progress! We'll also have sku lists ready to give to all of our fulfillment partners, so they'll be ready to ship out stuff the minute it comes in the warehouse.

Shipping: On the slow boat, games will take 2-4 weeks to get from the factory to fulfillment hubs. We're already looking at what we can ship out early (Comic books, bundles, posters, etc.) in order to speed up fulfillment. At this point we'll be having backers finalize addresses so you can be sure to get stuff shipped to the correct location.

Fulfillment: Once shipments arrive at fulfillment hubs in the U.S., UK, Canada, and Australia, they will begin shipping out games to you! This process can take from a couple of days to 1-2 weeks depending on how many orders they're fulfilling. (For example, we have way more U.S. backers, so it will take longer to fufill all those orders) After that it will all be up to local mail services to get your stuff to you. We have gotten extra of every SKU in case of damaged shipments and replacements, but with the great fulfillment partners we have, we hope those will be at a minimum.


  • Approvals: 2-3 weeks
  • Manufacturing: 4-8 weeks
  • Shipping from China: 2-4 weeks
  • Fufillment: 1-2 Weeks

So is everything goes swimmingly, the game will  be in your mailboxes halfway through May. The worst case scenario (and that is if things get slowed down a TON) is that games will be in your mailboxes early July. The most likely scenario is that games will be getting to you in June. Which is still technically Spring 2017, but not April, which does suck. We want to have this game too! We're doing everything we can to get this game in your hands, and will keep you updated at every step of the way.

With that out of the way, the Applehead mini! We are adding some groovy extra faces to it and will share those photos when it's done. But in the meantime, y'all have been so awesome we didn't want to make you wait.











Oh man, I've typed Applehead so many times it doesn't even look like the right word anymore.
Oh man, I've typed Applehead so many times it doesn't even look like the right word anymore.


You know when that happens right? It's really weird.
You know when that happens right? It's really weird.


Don't worry, he's armed! (Making a pun so if people don't like this update I can blame it on Taylor).
Don't worry, he's armed! (Making a pun so if people don't like this update I can blame it on Taylor).


Where was I? Oh right. APPLEHEEEEAAAADDD
Where was I? Oh right. APPLEHEEEEAAAADDD

General Production Updates:  

  • Printed Parts for the game just need to be tweaked and color corrected and we're working with BoDa the next few weeks to make that happen.  
  • Mohammed is working on paint schemes, and we'll show those to you as soon as they're done (even if it's before 4/1).  
  • Mike Pasquale is hard at work cutting out dice, we'll be sending him Certificates of Authenticity to sign very soon. The dice and certificates of authenticity will be bagged together when they ship. All Certificates of Authenticity will be hand-signed, hand-numbered and likely possessed.
  • Once we have those dice in our hands, we have a local laser engraver who will be working on them. If possible, we'll take some video so you can see the process!
Don't forget, we're in the last 24 hours of our Terminator Kickstarter! It's going to be an awesome game and this is your last chance to get ahold of some Space Goat Exclusive goodies for the game and help unlock some stretch goals. Just click the picture below to take a look!


Stay Groovy,

Team Space Goat

ECCC Update 2/Figure Sculpts are done!
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Mar 09, 2017 at 12:24:05 AM

Hey Soul Suckers!

As you all can tell, we have been SUPER busy with the Terminator campaign and at ECCC. But that doesn't mean we've forgotten about y'all!

First of all if any of you know someone who missed out on the Evil Dead 2 deluxe edition: we're offering some some extra ones over at the Terminator Kickstarter!

 There are only a limited number of tiers. So if you know someone who missed out, be sure to send them that way!

Figure time! We have the rest of the models for the figures ready for final manufacturing! Mohamed was able to bang out the rest of the figures. So now we can share them with you today.

Deadite Ash: Now with more wrinkly pants!
Deadite Ash: Now with more wrinkly pants!
Deadite Annie: Ready to just gnaw your face off.
Deadite Annie: Ready to just gnaw your face off.


The unique Deadite sculpts for the Deluxe Game!
The unique Deadite sculpts for the Deluxe Game!


Deadite Jake, Annie and Bobby Jo
Deadite Jake, Annie and Bobby Jo



All of the basic player characters!
All of the basic player characters!


Our wonderful Random Sucker Backers!
Our wonderful Random Sucker Backers!


We got some Monsters!
We got some Monsters!


Larger in-game tokens
Larger in-game tokens


All of dose items tho
All of dose items tho


Skulls for marking items!
Skulls for marking items!


The Classic!
The Classic!


And the man who was born to be punched: Hitler
And the man who was born to be punched: Hitler

Don't worry, we didn't forget Applehead! We're making some final tweaks and will be sharing him on the 3/15 update. In case you weren't able to make it to ECCC where we demoed the Evil Dead games: here are some photos of the prototypes!

The boxes, in their glory.
The boxes, in their glory.


That good 'ole Henrietta
That good 'ole Henrietta


Deadite Annie (3d-printed from the old model)
Deadite Annie (3d-printed from the old model)


In action!
In action!



Character cards and figures! (Final character cards will have wheels)
Character cards and figures! (Final character cards will have wheels)


We have a big banner.
We have a big banner.


Close up on that board.
Close up on that board.

 We're going to have a bigger production update on the 15th. Until then we have gotten some photos from BoDa!



This is the 3D print of Ash that will be used to make the molds for mass production of the game! I think we can call agree that he's looking pretty sharp. Until next time...

Stay Groovy,

Team Space Goat