
Evil Dead 2: The Official Board Game

Created by Space Goat Productions, Inc.

Evil Dead 2: The Official Board Game is a tile and miniature based survival horror game for 2-6 Players based on the classic movie.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pre-Press Updates and BoDa
about 8 years ago – Mon, Jan 02, 2017 at 11:05:48 PM

Hey Deadite Slayers,  

Hope you all had a great holiday season! We’ve been plugging away at the game while we’ve been away and have a big production update for you.

To start with, we have brought on Lynnvander to assist with pre-press. Since this is our first game, we want to make extra sure that everything is formatted exactly right when sent to print. We’ve brought on the great folks from Lynnvander to provide another layer of quality control to guarantee everything is good to go. We’re super happy to have them on board, and they’ll help us ensure this game is as great as it should be.

We’re also working with Mohamed Ait-mehdi to help us get our minis prepared for mass production. There are changes that need to be made to our 3-D models to ensure they’re able to be printed from mass production molds, as well as oversee the painting of the figures. Some are minor (fingers too thin) while others need some more work (Gooseneck Henrietta’s hair, we know). Mohamed has been instrumental in figure manufacturing for 15 years, co-founder of the manufacturer Dust. You can check out the portfolio of his past work here. He’s a real talent and it’s great to have him on board to help us prep figures.

Our last big news of the day is that we’ve switched manufacturers from Panda to BoDa. We were sure you all would have a lot of questions about it, so we’ve tried to answer as many as we can.

Why did you switch to Boda?  

Due to a number of factors, Panda was not able to guarantee that we would be able to get games to backers within the timetable we have in place.

Will this manufacturing pace affect the quality of the game?  

Nope! We’re still taking the greatest of care with pre-press and manufacturing. By bringing in some extra help with pre-press, we’ve been able to streamline the process and maintain quality while still keeping our original timetable.

What other games have they done? 

BoDa’s other clients include Ninja Division, Mantic, and FFG. They also oversaw the whole process for Don't Panic Games, specifically:

What does this mean for my pledge?  

Nothing other than the factory it’s made in. We have talked with Boda in great detail about the scope of this game, including painted minis, add-ons, game sleeves, and they’ve shown that this a project they can handle.

Will the miniatures be the same quality?  

Oh yeah, we are keeping a close eye on the whole manufacturing process. Our goal is to have miniatures on similar level of quality of Star Wars: Imperial Assault.  

It's important to note that BoDa themselves do not do minis, but have contacts with the best miniature manufacturers in the industry. The miniatures will be made in a different factory and brought to BoDa's factory to packaged before they're shipped out to fulfillment centers. BoDa are also the ones who got us in contact with Mohamed to make sure ours are print ready.

Will the miniatures still be painted if I ordered painted?  

You bet!

What does this mean for the game timetable?  

Currently we are still on track for Spring 2017! We’re aiming for April, but again, if anything pops up, backers will be the first to know.

In summary, we want to get a badass Evil Dead 2 game in backer’s hands before we all look like Deadite Henrietta, and switching to BoDa is the best way to do it. Again, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message us via Kickstarter or email us at [email protected]  

Stay Groovy,  

Team Space Goat

Add-Ons Closing on 1/2
about 8 years ago – Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 10:44:31 PM

Hey Soul Suckers,

This is a quick bonus update for those who haven't filled out their surveys (There looks to be about 300 of you at this point). 

We will be locking all add-ons in for final counts on January 2nd, 2017. That means if you do not pick your add-ons in the survey by 1/2, you will not be able to purchase any. You will still get everything that is included with your initial pledge, but won't be able to purchase additional add-ons.

If you have already filled our your survey, you're good to go and don't need to worry.

If you need to recover your survey, you can do so here:

If you are having issues with Backerkit, you can contact them for support here:

Stay Groovy,

Team Space Goat

Cabin of Carnage and Holiday Card!
about 8 years ago – Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 11:03:43 PM

Hey Soul Suckers,  

Hope you all been keeping warm! It's been frozen solid up here in Bellingham. 

But luckily with the cold also comes the holidays! With that in mind, here's a link to a printable Evil Dead 2 Board Game Holiday Card! We know a lot of backers bought it as a present for somebody, so this way you'll have something to give when the holidays come around.  

You may have also heard that we have acquired the board game rights to Joe Dante's film The Howling! It is in pre-pre-production at this point, so you don't need to worry about it conflicting with Evil Dead 2 anything.

For this update, we have some Cabin of Carnage cards for you!  

This is the back of Upgrade Cards for Cabin of Carnage. Event Cards will have the standard back.
This is the back of Upgrade Cards for Cabin of Carnage. Event Cards will have the standard back.







No Text means that all effects other than the attack will be effective once you combine weapons.
No Text means that all effects other than the attack will be effective once you combine weapons.


These are the upgrade cards for players! We wanted to give them a "widescreen" look to differentiate them from the event and item cards. Also it looks cool.
These are the upgrade cards for players! We wanted to give them a "widescreen" look to differentiate them from the event and item cards. Also it looks cool.







There are a few more cards in the expansion that are currently undergoing revisions, so we didn’t want to show them here until they were done. But this should give you a good idea of what the cards in the game will be like!  

We don't have too much else to share this time. Pre-Press is still on schedule, and if anything pops up, we'll let you know! Our next update will be on January 2nd since Space Goat Offices will be closed on January 1st.  

Stay Groovy,  

Team Space Goat  

P.S. Don't forget that you can pre-order Evil Dead 2: Revenge of Evil Ed #1 from your local comic book store or from us at MerchGoat!

Deadites, Random Suckers and Revenge of Evil Ed!
about 8 years ago – Thu, Dec 01, 2016 at 11:01:50 PM

Hey Deadite Slayers!

December 1st is upon us, which means it's time for another update!

We have been getting a lot of questions about November shipping, and we just want to remind everyone that back in July we had to push back shipping out the games until Spring 2017. We're still on track for April, but if anything changes, you'll all be the first to know!

We do know that some backers have gotten this game as a Holiday present for a loved one (or as a bribe), so we're working on a printable Evil Dead 2 card you can give in the meantime! It will be in the next update.

In other news, the Evil Ed cards have arrived! They are ready and waiting for shipping in April.

Speaking of Evil Ed, we have the cover for Evil Dead 2: Revenge of Evil Ed!

 If you notice, this is our first cover with Kickstarter backers! There will also be a lot of backers cameo-ing on the inside, so be sure to keep an eye out for them! All cameo backers will be getting 10 copies shipped to them as part of their pledge. But if you didn't get the cameo tier, you can pre-order it here.

We also got the most votes for Deadite figures, so we'll be showing those today, as well as the random suckers!

To start with, random suckers! These are all based on Backer likenesses, and we think they're pretty rad:



 Next off, the Deadites!


This is the Generic Deadite, that will be included in all the versions of the game. There will be 10 copies of it in the standard edition, but only 1 in the deluxe edition.
This is the Generic Deadite, that will be included in all the versions of the game. There will be 10 copies of it in the standard edition, but only 1 in the deluxe edition.


Professor Knowby Deadite! He wasn't in the movie, but he's in the deluxe edition!
Professor Knowby Deadite! He wasn't in the movie, but he's in the deluxe edition!


This is our Backer Deadite, also rad.
This is our Backer Deadite, also rad.








 All these Deadites are ripe for slaying! We'll be sharing art for Cabin of Carnage next update, and possibly some other goodies... 

So stay tuned and see you in 15 days!

Stay Groovy,

Team Space Goat

Production Update and Terminator
about 8 years ago – Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 10:55:30 PM

Hey Soul Suckers,  

We got a lot to go over today so we’re going to break it down chunk by chunk.  

First of all, asset production on the game is almost complete! All of the figures are in and we’re currently working with our 3-D modelers to get all of them print-ready. Let us know what figures you’d like to see in the comments that you haven’t already and we’ll put them in the next update.  

Game design for all of the add-ons is complete and we’re just waiting on artists to complete the new card art. We can also share the new card art for one of the add-ons in the next update, so let us know what you’d like to see in the comments!  

Once card art is done and figures are finalized, we’ll be sending everything off to Panda to begin the final pre-press process. Since this is our first game, we’re taking extra care and working super closely with Panda during pre-press to make sure everything is formatted exactly right so we all will be getting the high-quality game we want.  

We’ve also made progress on production for a number of things that Panda isn’t producing! The Beyond Dead by Dawn: Deluxe TPB just got delivered to the office:

Now imagine 26 of these boxes and you'll get how many we got.
Now imagine 26 of these boxes and you'll get how many we got.

 Rick Domeier has also started signing cards for the Evil Ed tiers!

He posted it on Twitter and everything!
He posted it on Twitter and everything!

 In addition to all this, we’ve started looking at printers for the Deluxe Rule and Art Book, Posters, stretch goal comic book, and Ex-Mortis TPB, and we’ll give you more details as they come.  

Now another big piece of news, we just announced today that we’ve acquired the rights to make The Terminator: The Official Board Game! We’re super excited about this project and you all can find out more about it here. But we wanted to answer the big question:

How will this affect the production/Fulfillment of Evil Dead 2?  

It won’t! Here are the reasons why:  

  • Game Design for Evil Dead 2 is completed at this point. Taylor has the time to work on Terminator because all of the heavy lifting of Evil Dead 2 is completed.  
  • They are in different stages of development. Terminator is in early production and rule outlining, while Evil Dead 2 is just about to head to final pre-press. The resources needed for these stages of development are non-exclusive and our organization can handle one while doing the other. 
  • The line artists and 3-D artists working on Evil Dead 2 are a totally different team than the ones on Terminator. The top priority for our Evil Dead 2 team is getting everything ready for Panda Manufacturing. We aren’t pulling them off for Terminator (or any other projects for that matter). 

 If you have any more questions or concerns, feel free to message us via Kickstarter or email us at [email protected]. We try to answer back as fast as we can, but generally our office is open 9-5 PST, Monday through Friday. 

 Stay Groovy, 

Team Space Goat