Endless Isolation greatly expands the mechanics and complexity—and board—of Evil Dead 2, making for an epic gaming experience. The main additions are the new board tiles, featuring brand new effects; Endurance Mode, for navigating a big, brutal world more easily; and Sanity, a new way for your character to be affected by the environment.
Coal Pit: Bury your enemies when killing sounds like too much work.
Wood Pile: Stock up on Barricades, which can now be dropped anywhere.
Killer Forest: Like a regular forest, but more deadly! Killer Trees get free movement through them too.
Twisted Bridge: Unlock Endurance Mode by reminding yourself the freedom your fighting for.
Endurance mode is a state characters can access once they reach the bridge. Seeing both the sight of freedom and the impossibility of reaching it fills the character with both desolation and the will to continue at all costs. Endurance mode allows a character to access certain abilities—with a drawback, of course. Here are some of the things you can do while in the zone:
Sprint: Travel double speed; nearest two enemies move one space closer
Cut Corners: Pass diagonal through doorways; nearest two enemies move one space closer
Packing: No limit to the number of weapons the character can carry; when you take damage from an adversary, shuffle all current items and place one at random as loot on opposite side of attacking enemy.
Double Swing: If an attack misses, you may roll again after taking damage; if second attack misses, take 1 extra damage.
Leapfrog: Pass through a space occupied by an enemy; take 1 damage automatically.
Sanity is a new metric tracked on a scale of 0 to 7 by a personal token that rotates just like the enemy health tokens. There are also status tokens: Lonely on one side, Determined on the other. Lonely State is a bummer to be in, but being Determined is pretty great. Sanity interacts with the game in a number of ways:
When Sanity hits max, the character becomes Determined. They can perform Endurance Abilities without the drawback. A character also cannot be reduced to zero Virtue while Determined, but they can still be turned Deadite if an effect explicitly says so.
A character loses Sanity by taking damage, being Lonely, losing Virtue, or having an ally die. A character gains Sanity by gaining health, gaining virtue, picking up a page, picking up an item, or “checking in” with an ally.
A character becomes Lonely if they wander too far off. If a character ends a turn outside and they do not meet any of the following conditions, they must roll to see if they become Lonely: 1) On a Trail tile, 2) Adjacent to the Cabin or Work Shed, 3) In line with a human ally at any distance. If a character becomes Lonely, they automatically lose Sanity and cannot gain more until the “check in” with an ally by moving adjacent or diagonal to them. Entering Endurance Mode also removes the Lonely State.
If Sanity hits 0, the character becomes Insane. The player is no longer in control of their character; each turn they must roll to determine which other player controls their character for their turn: an opposing player on [4-6], an opposing player and take 1 Virtue damage on [2-3], or on a [1] the character turns Deadite and returns to the player control. An ally character can “check in” with the character to restore Sanity from 0 to 1; they cannot gain Sanity by any other means.
Endless Isolation is my gift to all those hungering for a table-eating, evening-filling, feature-rich gaming experience. Enjoy!
Those Dark Woods
Contains: 20 3"x3" Board Tiles, 12 Event/Item Cards, Extra Tokens
Those Dark Woods doesn't add any additional rules—unless I come up with a fun little mini-mission between now and the print date—but it does boost up the board, especially when used with Endless Isolation. These new boards include more Forest tiles, Killer Forest tiles, another Wood Pile, additional barricades and enemy tokens. It's a great pack to really get lost in.
Fruit Cellar Freak Out
Contains: 20 3"x3" Board Tiles, 12 Event/Item Cards, Extra Tokens
, Extra Rules
I heard you were looking to renovate your basement? Fruit Cellar Freak Out replaces the default Basement tile with a lay-as-you-go labyrinth. These tiles have certain obstacles and can fit together in certain ways to create a safe escape or a death trap. New Events will spawn both good and bad things down there; there will also be tiles that interact with the hole on the Wrecked side of the Car tile. The extra rules don't change the win scenario, but explain how the new sprawling Basement can be used in the other scenarios.
The thrilling trilogy will conclude with the Revenge of Hitler mini-expansion and the Classic's Last Ride mini-expansion. I'll be hanging around the comments to let you know when that's coming.
Have a good weekend!
Miniature Detail Samples
over 8 years ago
– Wed, Oct 05, 2016 at 11:50:42 PM
Hey everyone!
Gameplay update is still underway, but a fever—unfortunately not of the Saturday Night or Cat Scratch variety—swept the Smith household, so this will be a little update in the meantime.
Here are some figure prototype samples (unpainted for now). The opaque ones were printed at a facility we toured and the clear resin is what we printed on our very own 3D printer here in the office.
Don't talk to me and my son ever again.
I can't promise to think of a meme for each of these.
First up, Combat Ash! We printed two of these: one at regular size and one at double size because, well, we could. The two solo pictures are the figure 38mm tall from base to the top of his head. This is bigger than the final size, but many of the details will still be preserved.
These are the things that are and will be again!
Here's Evil Ed! Look at that ugly mug. He's 28mm exactly, which is the standard size of the figures in the game. (28mm is about 1-1/8 inches). They have quite a bit of detail still at this size—Ed even has little fingers! Of course, the actual figures will not be made with clear resin. That's just what we loaded into our printer to start with. It looks super cool; we're just geeky out about this stuff non-stop.
We did not summon any evil forces in the printing of this figures. Yeah, we were surprised too.
It'd be cute if it wasn't so terrifying.
This is the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis figure at double size. It's one of the item figures that are included in the Deluxe set and replaces the cardboard chits to mark when an Ex-Mortis page shows up on the board. It's also just a super cool thing to have! The clear resin makes it difficult to see some of the detail because you get some of the cover detail showing through, but you also get to see some of the cover design too.
Run from the tree. It is not just looking for a hug.
What a jolly fellow! Nothing wrong with having a laugh.
These figures were provided by a (sort of) local 3D printing company and are using a resin that more closely shows how the models will look. That said, please note these are all printed in resin and not PVC, which the final models will be. The Killer Tree figure here is about half the size that it will be in the game; it's just at 28mm now, but the actual ones will be 56mm or about 2-1/4 inches.
To preempt some concerns: all bases will be made to match each other and optimized to be just the right size for balance. Final figures will opaque and all sized correctly; the 3D just needs a little calibrating as we go. We also have professional prepress service reviewing all the files to make sure they're totally, 100% good for manufacturing.
While we'll always collect and present all this awesome stuff in updates, a lot of these images pop up on our various social media as they get made. We're also pretty responsive and interactive on those sites and they can lead to some easier conversations than comments here. That said, we always prefer direct concerns to sent to the Kickstarter messages. Social media is good for public conversations about cool things. Speaking of cool things, look at how awesome 3D printers are!
Keep it groovy, folks! The second installment of the gameplay updates will be up by the end of the week. And yes, we are making Taylor eat his words—he's not allowed to leave the table until his plate is clean.
Team Space Goat
Taylor's Dev Blog - 9/28
over 8 years ago
– Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 11:21:22 PM
Hey there folks,
Taylor here at Space Goat HQ. They won't let me leave until I post an update about all the cool gameplay add-ons we've been cooking up, so here we go!
Cabin of Carnage
Contains: 12 Event Cards, 4 Item Cards, 12 Character Upgrade Cards,
Enemy Tokens, Extra Rules
Cabin of Carnage is all about violence. The core mechanic here is an upgrade system based on a character's kill count. Each character has two sequential upgrade abilities they unlock as they slaughter more of the evil dead. Here's a few examples:
"Always Prepared," Ash upgrade #2: Draw a new Item Card each turn.
"Bookworm," Annie upgrade #1: Collect adjacent and diagonal pages as well.
"Put Some Weight Into It," Ed upgrade #1: All attacks get +2 knockback.
"Unkillable," Jake upgrade #2: All incoming damage is halved, round up.
"Take My Hand," Bobby Joe upgrade #2: Allow an adjacent ally to move with you for free on your turn.
"Keep Your Options Open," Linda update #1: May choose to play both Event cards.
These may seem pretty gnarly—because they are!—but you'll definitely be needing them. The new Events focus on spawning multiple enemies and enemies with brutal abilities. Fortunately, a new tool is at your disposal: Duct Tape! Use it to strap two weapons together to benefit from both at the same time.
These rules can either be folded into the standard scenario of closing the portal or can be used for the new Cabin of Carnage scenario. The goal is to clear out the enemies and just survive an onslaught of enemies.
Arcane Nonsense
For the record, this should totally be Arcane Mumbo Jumbo. There's a story there, but I won't get into that now.
Bust out your trusty spellbooks, because this set is straight-up magical. The main mechanic here is a new deck of Ex-Mortis pages which replace the standard deck. Each unique design now has a Curse Word on it. These Curse Words can be combined to cast a whole new slew of spells. Here's how it works: there are six core Curses and three modifying Curses. The core words can be paired with other words or themselves, making a total of 21 base spells. The three modifier Curses can be combined in any combination with a base spell—including up to all three on one spell—for a grand total of 147 unique functions. Here are your Curses:
Omnus: Spell affects multiple targets
Krona: Delay spell effect to a specific time
Antys: Cast opposite spell effect
Feratos: Channel the power of demonic violence
Memnon: Summon reality to do your bidding
Estra: Unlock inhuman and unnatural abilities
Nekros: Embrace the magic of death itself
Allo: Warp space to your whim
Kanda: Wield the very evil force of Kanda
Make sure to read these out loud for maximum effect! You can use this deck in the core game or bring in the special Events for the Arcane Nonsense scenario. Unravel the influence of the Dark Ones as they try to seep through into our world. Spells will help combat the forces of evil, but they just may also open the door.
Secret Soul Sucker
Contains: 10 Secret Role Cards, 10 Event/Item Cards, Extra Tokens, Extra Rules
In case you didn't have enough of an opportunity to betray and kill your friends, throw some subterfuge into the mix with Secret Soul Sucker! This set adds secret roles that get assigned to players (which you need at least three of) at the start of the game. While you still have humans versus Deadites, there are also unique win conditions that may allow a character to win more readily on their own. So what are those roles? I'm so glad you asked.
Collector: Wins if they collect five unique pages.
Deadite: Wins if all humans are Deadites or Dead; starts game as Deadite, revealing role.
Deceiver: Wins if all humans are Deadites or Dead, even if human (2 cards).
Headhunter: Wins if they kill 10 Enemies.
Hermit: Wins if they are the only character inside the Cabin and they barricade both doors.
Necromancer: Wins if they bring players back from the dead 3 times.
Normies: Wins if the Deceiver(s) and all Deadites are revealed and killed (2 cards).
Protector: Wins if the Player to their left ends the game as a human, no matter their own condition.
Please keep in mind that the exact number for these goals may tweak as we finish up. The main goal for Secret Soul Sucker is to play a human versus Deadite scenario, but the roles can be incorporated into the main scenario.
These three scenarios each have two chunks to them: a new mechanic and a new scenario. The mechanic is needed for the scenario, but you can also pluck it out and play with it with the other scenarios. For example, you could play Cabin of Carnage with the Arcane Nonsense spells, play Secret Soul Sucker with all the brutal extras of Cabin of Carnage, and so on. Each one of these things adds a little extra complexity to a game for those gamers craving more and more. With the new scenarios, you can also keep going back to the game and have it feel fresh.
And that's all I'll share for now, because I want to go home! Up next we have, Endless Isolation, Those Dark Woods, Fruit Cellar Freak Out, Revenge of Hitler, Mirror Madness, and The Classic's Last Ride. Look forward to those in future updates!
Since this was such a dry wall of text, check out some of our cards in progress!
Someone? In MY fruit cellar!? It's more likely than you think.
Looking glass necklaces: for that perfect moment when you want to stop killing your loved ones.
Looks like someone hasn't had their shots.
If you want to get ahead in this game, you need to make sure your items are on lock.
Cabin Dice Add-Ons Now Available!
over 8 years ago
– Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 08:43:31 PM
Hey Deadite Slayers,
Cabin Dice are now available in the pledge manager as an add-on!
Some notes about the dice:
They are $95 with a $1 shipping fee for all regions.
There are a total of 133 available as add-ons, and when they're gone, they're gone. All backers who have a set from their pledge are guaranteed, so don't worry.
We are limiting to one extra set of dice per backer so more people have a chance of getting a set.
We are only offering these to initial backers for now, and will only be opening them to pre-order backers if they don't sell out by Oct. 1st.
These will only be offered through the Kickstarter campaign and pledge manager! There will be no wider retail release. If you have any questions or concerns, please message us through Kickstarter or email us at [email protected]. We try to look through the comments as much we can, but things do slip through the cracks.
Stay groovy,
Team Space Goat
Cabin Dice Add-ons/Pictures!
over 8 years ago
– Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 01:01:26 AM
Hey Soul Suckers,
Quick update for all of you. We found a way to make the extra cabin dice available to backers! They will be launching in Backerkit as an add-on this Wednesday at 12pm PST. We have 133 sets of dice left, and that limited number is all that will be available through the pledge manager. They will be $95 for a set with a certificate of authenticity.
We also have some pictures of the dice we got from the laser-engraver! The dice pictured are made from the actual wood from the cabin, not a sample wood.
This is just the raw cabin wood fresh off the engraver. It has not been sanded or lacquered.
Here's another view of what all 6 sides will look like:
We'll send out an update right as the dice go live, so you'll know right when they launch. More updates from Long Beach Comic-Con will be coming later this week, so stay tuned!