
Evil Dead 2: The Official Board Game

Created by Space Goat Productions, Inc.

Evil Dead 2: The Official Board Game is a tile and miniature based survival horror game for 2-6 Players based on the classic movie.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Taylor's Dev Blog - 9/16
over 8 years ago – Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 12:56:04 AM

Hey everyone!

Conventions have me on a wacky schedule, but I still want to get an update out to you all. It's Saturday somewhere, right?

First off, here's what I've been up to at Long Beach Comic Con.

And this booth shall be home for the next two days.
And this booth shall be home for the next two days.

I have new boxes of prototypes—alas foolishly with no webcam this time to show them off with a video—which will be on display. Some pictures below!

It's like a happy little family of games.
It's like a happy little family of games.



Character portraits! Deadite Annie is still in progress.
Character portraits! Deadite Annie is still in progress.


Learn to fear this token early.
Learn to fear this token early.

As before, this is not the full contents of the game and not all designs are final. As an example of scale, this features 72 cards whereas the final version—without any add-ons—will have 220 cards. Miniatures are in transit to my hotel and should arrive in time to join me at the booth tomorrow.

Exciting stuff! Now on to some bummer stuff. There are a couple things we were hoping to include in the pledge manager that didn't make it. Namely: figure packs for add-ons and images of painted figures. Here is why we don't have those:

In order to bundle specific quantities of figures outside of base game ratios, we'd have to greatly increase our production cost, production time, and/or surplus figures. The figures are produced together in molds in a way that works best for the game itself, which doesn't lend well to producing sets different than the molds. Our options were to use more molds, which would drive up cost and production time; use the current molds and have a surplus of figures that aren't used as much in add-ons, which would add to cost and production time; or offering sets based on the molds, which increases production time and means backers get that surplus of figures that won't get used. The packaging and shipping for all the extra figure add-ons got out of hand when we ran through the numbers and we ultimately decided to not include them in the pledge manager. We hope to offer them down the road, outside of this campaign.

The way Panda handles jobs is that they will not begin production on the project until all the pieces are in. That means ALL the pieces. We added about a hundred extra cards to the game throughout the campaign, most of which needs art. Our art team—most of which are the artists we've worked with on the Evil Dead 2 comics—are working overtime to get everything in and ready to go and our designer is tirelessly prepping all the assets. However, Panda will not begin production on any piece of the game until every piece of card art, token design, and PDF for add-on rules are in and ready to go. I did personally say you'd have something to look at before you had to make your final choice and I will stand by that as best I can. Here's what we're doing: we can show off color renders pre-approved by Panda, we can prototype via another printer in the meantime, we can show comparable samples from Panda's other products, and we can keep our production moving as quickly as possible in order to get a figure out of Panda before the pledge manager closes. Three out of four of these will get you images in advance in order to make an informed decision. The fourth is dependent on the manufacturing process and is out of our control; we will keep you as informed as possible along the way.

Alright, with that out of the way, I just have two little things left. I did the math on the spell combination count for Arcane Nonsense: 147 unique abilities. My RPG heart beats strong in this one. Oh, and lastly...


Apple Head.

Good night, soul suckers!


Surveys today!
over 8 years ago – Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 09:53:58 PM

Hey Soul Suckers! 

The pledge manager survey is complete, approved by Backerkit and is on the way to your inbox! We will send an email with a special link to BackerKit surveys today. It is important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since we need this information for fulfilling your rewards. 

You do not need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey, just click on the survey link, fill it out, and you’re all good to go! You will be able to answer questions about your rewards preferences, provide shipping information, and pledge for more add-ons if you'd like. You do not have access to this survey link yet, but it will be available soon via email! 

If you decide later that you want to edit your survey response, you can go back to your survey and change it any time before we lock down the surveys for processing. 

The “last” day to make final updates to your order is Oct. 31st. After this date, we will lock your reward selections and charge cards for add-on purchases, pledge upgrades, and pre-orders. You will still be able to update your shipping address up until we lock addresses for shipping fulfillment around March 2017. 

 If you need to review your information or pledge status, you will be able to recover your survey here:

 If you use your Facebook login for your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey will be sent to the email you used for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you would prefer to use, please contact support at and we'll get you sorted out! 

Some notes about the survey: 

  • Shipping for the core game will be $5 more expensive ($25 USD) for the EU than we estimated on the campaign page initially. Stretch goals and added figures increased the weight of the box over 2kg, which bumped the game into a higher shipping price bracket. So we had to increase our estimated shipping price by around $5 USD, but we did everything we could to keep shipping prices affordable. 
  • Shipping for Australia will actually be $9 less than we estimated initially, so that's good news for you Aussies! 
  • All deluxe backers will have the option to get all player characters, all player Deadites, Combat Ash, Normal and Gooseneck Henreitta painted with their initial pledge. All tokens will also come with a single layer of paint. There will be a $5 charge to get all remaining figures painted. When we launched the campaign, we budgeted for painted core figures, and a number of stretch goal figures. But we unlocked way more stretch goal figures than we originally budgeted paint for. We wanted to be able to offer all painted figures to backers who wanted them, but we didn't want to raise the price for people who didn't. So charging an add-on fee of $5 to paint the remaining 31 figures was our compromise. We also will not be able to offer a painted version of the Mirror Ash Mini-Expansion. 
  • Due to a number of factors, we're able to charge less for shipping for bundles than if you added each add-on to your pledge individually. So in order to save on shipping costs, be sure to bundle items where you can! 

That's it for survey info, but we have some other quick updates: 

Taylor just got back from the Alliance game conference in Indiana, and you'll be hearing news from that, and some other gameplay updates later this week! 

We're going to be at Long Beach Comic Con this weekend! We'll be demoing the game and have a panel about our Evil Dead 2 comic plans for the rest of the year. You can also meet Taylor and ask him questions about the game! Tickets are avaiable here: 

Finally, one of our awesome backers Aaron Clark has made an awesome Cellar Trapdoor Dice Thrower!

It's Perfect for any horror-comedy cabin-in-the-woods-with-a-cellar themed boardgames (We're not sure where you'd find a game like that though). Here's the link if you want to buy a dice thrower that may go with a game you may have backed:

That's it for this update, stay tuned for more production updates! 

Stay Groovy, 

Team Space Goat

Survey Delay/Token Renders
over 8 years ago – Thu, Sep 08, 2016 at 12:55:35 AM

Hey Deadite Slayers,  

Due to complications with our Australian fulfillment partner, we are going to have to delay the surveys until next week. We're sorry for the delay, but we want to get shipping nailed down 100% for all regions before we send out surveys. This way we can avoid a) Needlessly overcharging backers for shipping or b) Not charging enough for shipping so we can't actually afford to get the games to you. Thank you for your patience. If there are further delays to the survey that will push it back further, we will let you know as soon as we know. 

We do have other, more fun updates for you as well! To start with, we have renders of the tokens that will be included in the deluxe version of the game:








We also have the final layout of what the Cabin Dice will have laser-engraved on them!


Our Game Designer Taylor is also going to the Alliance Game Manufacturing conference this Saturday and will be sharing pictures and news from that for his game dev update this weekend. Because he's traveling, there won't be a Q&A session in the comments on Sunday, but feel free to contact directly through the Kickstarter if you have any questions. 

Stay Groovy, 

Team Space Goat

Taylor's Dev Blog - 9/4
over 8 years ago – Mon, Sep 05, 2016 at 01:04:02 AM

Hi Everyone!

I have some big news all around! September has a very busy convention schedule for yours truly: I'll be in Indiana for the Alliance OpenHouse next weekend, California the next weekend for Long Beach Comic Con, and the weekend after that sees me at the Gamerati Game Day in Tacoma, WA. We'll be showing off production prototypes, figures, and juicy details at each show. As you can imagine, that's a lot to prep!

We're also sitting on some awesome plans for 2017 we know you'll all love, but I can't say anything else about those now. Look forward to some press releases dropping in the next couple months.

Okay, all that aside, let's actually talk about the board game you backed. 

A bit of light reading. Just... don't read it out loud.
A bit of light reading. Just... don't read it out loud.

Here's the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, whom we've dubbed Morty out of a Stockholm Syndrome-esque adoration. You get a whole mess of these figures from the Item Token stretch goal for Deluxe games (and above). You set them on the board to mark where pages drop; the standard game has cardboard tokens instead.

The Chosen One! Or, actually maybe not.
The Chosen One! Or, actually maybe not.

So this guy might seem familiar from the end of Evil Dead 2. While our game stays in the cabin (and the cabin's local time), the Knight can pop out of the portal to add to the chaos. The Knight is a decent opponent, but his arrival isn't always a bad thing: the Knight pursues and attacks whomever's closest to him. He's so confused about what's going on, he'll just attack everyone! If there's a Deadite between you and a Knight, you might have an unexpected ally. At least, that is, until he catches up with you.

There's something squirrelly going on with this critter.
There's something squirrelly going on with this critter.

Possessed squirrel! I so happy about this little goober. The Wicked Wildlife enemy comes in two varieties: squirrel and deer. The squirrel has slightly weaker stats than it's larger counterpart, but makes up for it in meanness. That's not really a stat, it's just- I mean, look at that angry little face!

Bridge is out, but we can still jump it, right?
Bridge is out, but we can still jump it, right?

And here goes the twisted bridge square from the Endless Isolation mode. This one is double size, so 6"x"6". It sticks out of the corner, making that metal bridge bit the farthest spot out. Unlock your character's Endurance Mode by making the trip out and having the bone-chilling resolve of no escape sink in. Endurance Mode enhances a character, letting them move more quickly, hit for more damage, and other neat tricks—all at the low, low cost of your sanity!

That's my update this week! I'll be hanging out in the main comments (and checking in here) for the rest of the day, so let me know if there's anything you're just dying to find out!

Yours eternally (via the Old magic contracts),

Taylor Smith (Designer, Layabout)

Surveys Within A Week!
over 8 years ago – Thu, Sep 01, 2016 at 01:18:23 AM

Hey Soul Suckers!  

Thank your for your patience in our absence! We've been hard at work figuring out weights and shipping costs so we can get accurate and detailed BackerKit surveys to you all. Currently we're on track to get the survey to you mid next week to let you all enjoy the holiday weekend. If that changes we'll let you know! We also wanted to remind you that the shipping estimates for the game on the front page are for the core/deluxe game only and additional add-ons will increase the weight.

When the pledge manager survey goes out you'll be able to:  

  • Pay for shipping 
  • Purchase Additional Add-Ons 
  • Jump from the $0-$10 Tier to the $60 or $80 tier
  • Pay for your tier if your payment to Kickstarter failed. (If you were at a limited tier before your payment failed, Backerkit will make sure you retain it. So Early Birds and cameo folks, you're still good to go!) 
  • You will not be able to buy any add-ons other than basic resin dice if you backed at tier lower than $60, but you can upgrade to the $60 or $80 tier in the pledge manger. 
  • You also won't be able to upgrade your tier to a limited one using the pledge manger. But if you are interested in an open slot for a tier over $500, please message us using Kickstarter and we'll do our best to make that happen for you! We're still looking on how we want to make the leftover dice available after the campaign, and when we have that figured out, we'll let you all know!

Other Updates:

Our Game Dev Taylor is hard at work tweaking and finalizing the alternate modes for the games and will have a game dev update this Saturday! We will also be having a Q&A session in the comments section this Sunday from 11am-1pm PST as well.

This week our Boss Shon is visiting the laser engraver where we'll eventually be getting the cabin dice laser engraved this week, so we should have pictures to you soon!

We've figured out details for the blank card add-on and have them here for you. You'll be able to get the card pack when you pay for shipping in the pledge manger.

Retailers have requested we make gameplay add-ons available for purchase for them and those will be available in the campaign manger for everyone who backed at the retailer tier.


That was a lot of info for this update, but stay tuned as more will be coming this week! If you have any questions, please feel free to message us using Kickstarter. Sometimes we can miss questions in the comments.  

Stay Groovy,  

Team Space Goat