
Evil Dead 2: The Official Board Game

Created by Space Goat Productions, Inc.

Evil Dead 2: The Official Board Game is a tile and miniature based survival horror game for 2-6 Players based on the classic movie.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Taylor's Dev Blog - 8/13
over 8 years ago – Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 12:55:39 AM

Hey you wonderful people!

Even though the campaign is over, I'll still be posting development updates and hosting Q&As throughout the rest of our process to keep you all personally informed about what's going on. Streams will be announced as well, so you can see the various game modes in action.

For now though, I'll be honest with you: this past week was half chaos as we closed the campaign and half recovery as I remembered what it's like to have evenings again. That said, it's full speed ahead again next week and on. In the meantime, let's check out some assets!

Seems like a good time for a clock pun, but all I can do is put my hands in my face in defeat.
Seems like a good time for a clock pun, but all I can do is put my hands in my face in defeat.

Some events are pretty simple and even a little generous. The Stopped Clock just stuns all enemies until the end of that player's next turn, giving everyone a little breathing room. Most the Events are little references—some more obvious than others—to different scenes and shots in the movie and, as such, only show up once.

Who's laughing now?
Who's laughing now?

The Kitchen Knife is a pretty standard small weapon. Decent damage: can kill most enemies in two hits. However, weapons are way more than their damage ratings, as most have special effects too. The Kitchen Knife can pin a Severed Hand down for good—not even the Vise can do that—but you do have to discard it. Don't worry about trying to put a bucket over the hand; we all know it won't work, so just leave the knife in there and worry about the rest of the madness around you.

Nothing a weekend DIY project can't fix, right?
Nothing a weekend DIY project can't fix, right?


Something tells me insurance ain't gonna cover this one.
Something tells me insurance ain't gonna cover this one.


You should probably stop storing fruit down here at this point.
You should probably stop storing fruit down here at this point.

Here's some previews of the wrecked backside boards, including the Work Shed, Car, and Basement. The Work Shed's twisted wreckage totally blocks the outdoor route around it (assuming you're just using the base tiles), but there is an entrance on both sides. The Car is being swallowed up by a giant hole—that level of destruction on the ol' Classic has to be some act of blasphemy. The hole conveniently connects to the hole in the Wrecked Basement, allowing instant movement from one square to the other. The Wrecked Basement has definitely been, let's say, "remodeled." There's a new wall type (which also features in the main cabin): the rubble tunnel. A rubble tunnel is a wall that a Player, human or Deadite, can attempt to crawl through, potentially risking damage or getting stuck. AI Enemies aren't able to travel through them at all though, so it may just be worth the risk.

Everything else I'm saving for a rainy day! Join me for a Q&A tomorrow in the main comment section. In the meantime, my question for you: which add-on/mini-expansion would you like to see streamed next?

Until next time, you groovy screwheads.


Funded! Thank You So Much!
over 8 years ago – Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 12:06:19 AM

Hello, Deadite Slayers!  

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Because of all your help and support, we now get to make an amazing Evil Dead 2 board game. We're over 1000% funded, and broke past 20 stretch goals! We had no idea how big of a response this Kickstarter would get when we launched, and we are just so thankful for your help and support. There is no way we could've done this without you. 

With our last surge, we also unlocked the weapon tokens!  

What Happens Next?  

  • Now that the campaign is over, Kickstarter will begin collecting pledges, expect to see your payment processed within the next day or so. 
  • Space Goat is going to spend the next few weeks finalizing shipping rates and preparing the survey. In about a month, you'll be receiving a Backerkit Pledge Management survey. 
  • In this survey we will get your shipping information, charge you for shipping, and get your photos if you backed one of the likeness tiers. You can also use the survey to purchase additional add-ons, or upgrade your pledge level to open tiers. 
  • We will also be emailing likeness tiers for photos as well sending out the survey, as we need to get your photos ASAP. So please have them ready!
  • Updates will come a lot less often now the campaign is over (Think once every week or two instead of multiple times a day). But we will be keeping you informed on all the big production updates, as well as showing you figures, cards and more as they are being produced. 
  • More Game Dev Streams and Q&As will be happening even now that the campaign is over. Stay tuned to updates for more details! 

We're going to be going dark for the next couple days as we rest up and start prepping things for the survey and more. But we know this is just the start of our Evil Dead 2 Board Game journey, and we're excited to get started!

Thank you, from the bottom of our Deadite-infected hearts,

- Team Space Goat

P.S. All tiers above $175 (excluding retailer tiers) will be getting Cabin-Carved Deadite Dice!


Less Than 12 Hours!
over 8 years ago – Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 12:06:12 AM

Hello, Backers!

Well, this is it! 

We are down to our final 10 hours for this campaign. Nearly 300 of you have joined since our update last night. Welcome! And thank you all so much for your support. 

Thanks to each of you, we blasted well past the $650k stretch goal. Congrats, all Deluxe backers earned this! If you've pledged a tier that comes with the Deluxe box, this sweet, sweet baby is yours!

Oldheads REJOICE!
Oldheads REJOICE!

Based on projections, we have a fighting chance of being 1000% funded and close the campaign out at around $700k. Let's break through that final goal. To help, we've sweetened the pot a little. Give me some sugar, baby!

700k Bragging Rights!
700k Bragging Rights!

Not only do we have 300+ new backers since the last update, but nearly 20% of you are backing a Kickstarter campaign for the first time. Such is the power of Evil Dead's grooviness!

All these "add-ons" can get kind of confusing. To help understand this process, please refer to update 23 and/or 38. Both updates cover how to increase your pledge to make sure you get everything you want (mini expansions, Mirror Ash, etc). A super handy graphic walking you through that process is included at the bottom of this update. 

You can also pledge to a new tier. Many first time backers are grabbing up the $80 Deluxe tier. If you haven't already, please take a look at the Custom-Carved Cabin Dice Tier (made from the wood from the actual freakin' cabin!) or some of the "Likeness" Tiers. 


We appreciate that these tiers are not cheap. But they are as affordable as we can make them--and they are most definitely a once-in-a-life-time opportunity. If you have questions, please jump into the Comment section or private message us. 

Speaking of dice: We've modified the images, have licensor sign off, and have ensured that each pair is infused with the Spirit of the Cabin! Check this out!

We Put Sugar on the Dice!
We Put Sugar on the Dice!

 Lastly, social media is our friend. Facebook is our second biggest referrer to this campaign. If you can, please share this out with a link to the campaign: 

Post, Share, Like, Tag, Tweet, RT!
Post, Share, Like, Tag, Tweet, RT!

 Again, thank you all so much for making this happen. We can't wait to get this game in your hands!

Stay Groovy!

Team Space Goat


Campaign Countdown: Deadite-Day Is Upon Us
over 8 years ago – Tue, Aug 09, 2016 at 12:33:39 AM

Hey Deadite Hunters,

24 hours remain and if they promise to be as amazing as the last 24 hours, then we're all in for a treat (and an Oldsmobile!). You know the drill, so lets get right to it!

What've we signed ourselves up for...?
What've we signed ourselves up for...?


This stretch goal will get everyone a place to share their crazy gameplay ideas online. We're already excited to see Will Gibson's scenario where you play as the headless deer trying to reclaim its head or Robbie McAllister's version of spells that has players memorizing and reciting actual incantations. Uh, Robbie, that sounds like a pretty good way to summon a demon. Taylor will be reviewing select submissions and streaming them on Twitch to playtest to make available for download. He'll probably come up with some crazy new ideas of his own! We'll be offering decks of blank cards to write your ideas on, but don't worry about those. We promised no more add-ons, so no more add-ons.

Speaking of add-ons...

In case you missed it, Those Dark Woods, Fruit Cellar Freakout, and the Deluxe Rule+Artbook have been collected altogether with the rest of the gameplay packs to make things a bit easier. You won't have to worry about any more bundles after this!

Now for the update everyone's been wondering about: figures. The figures that will come painted for those Deluxe backers who select that option will be the human player figures, the Deadite player figures, Combat Ash, Normal Henrietta, and Gooseneck Henrietta. Our original plan was to only have the two featured Deluxe figures—Combat Ash and Gooseneck Henrietta—as painted, but as demand rose, we included more and more behind the scenes. We've hit the threshold of what we can offer without actively losing money, which would mean delays beyond anything reasonable. Since unpainted sets are so widely requested, anything more would also mean a whole lot of backers are paying for something other backers are getting.

We'd also like to address the option for additional figures as add-ons, which were promised from the beginning. As more and more figures were added—some planned and some backer-inspired—our costs couldn't be updated fast enough. It's very standard for manufacturing quotes to take four or five weeks, but Panda has been running overtime for us. That said, we simply don't have the numbers we need right now to offer you fair prices. So, here's the plan: don't worry about it for now! When the pledge manager kicks in about a month from now, you'll be able to add-on unpainted figures individually and in sets; we also hope to offer painted options for the rest of the figures at this time.

This plan should be a bit easier on all of us. For those interested, it lets you split up the payments and it lets us offer both options at the lowest price possible. We'll list out all the tokens included in all the add-ons and have easy ways for the completionists out there to match them all. You'll also be able to see what every last figure will look like, so you know exactly what you're getting before committing. In case you're worried, we won't let splitting up those add-ons hold back any stretch goals that may announce in the last day.

You look pretty angry, man. Don't lose your head.
You look pretty angry, man. Don't lose your head.


It turns out his bite is as bad as his bark.
It turns out his bite is as bad as his bark.

Thanks for sticking with us through this wild ride and welcome to all you new backers that've been flooding in like blood through bullet holes in a cabin wall.

Keep the groovy strong out there,

Team Space Goat

200+ New Backers? Welcome!
over 8 years ago – Mon, Aug 08, 2016 at 09:48:49 PM

Hello, Backers!

Welcome to all the new backers that have joined the campaign since the last update went out. There are about 200 of you. However you found us, thanks for joining and supporting the game. We'll be unlocking that $650k stretch goal in no time. 

With so many new backers--and only 32 hours to go--we wanted to slow down to make sure you all know how add-ons work. 

You can review the Update 38 from August 6th to get an excellent walk through, but the shortest explanation is: 

Head on over to your pledge page and add the total dollar amount of all the add-ons that you want to your pledge. At the end of the campaign, you will receive a survey. You select what you want at that time!

Here's a quick walk-through graphic: 

We have tons of add-ons. If you have any questions, please swing by the Comment section and ask. 

With that out of the way, we have one new add-on to offer. It's a bundle of a few smaller add-ons. 

Hopefully this add-on will help consolidate some of the smaller ones for you all. Please hit the Comment section with questions!

We'll be back later tonight with a 24-Hour Countdown update. 

Stay Groovy!

Team Space Goat